Our Story: 100 Years of Quality
"In our family, winemaking is a tradition that dates back more than 100 years. As early as 1906, my grandfather and grandmother on my mother's side owned a small winery near Napa Valley. My father's family began farming wine grapes in California in the 1920's. So, it was no surprise when I decided to become a winemaker, too.
Growing up surrounded by California's beautiful vineyards taught me about top quality grapes, great tasting wine and the pleasure of raising a glass with family and friends.
For more than 40 years, I have worked to create enjoyable, affordable wines using the highest quality grapes from California's famed vineyards. Since 1993, Peter Vella wines have honored my family's winemaking history and our commitment to quality.
To this day, Peter Vella wines continue to offer a difference you can taste."
--Peter Vella, Winemaker
Read more about Peter's family's story here.
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